Animal experiments still play a key role Politics ETH Zurich Without animal experiments there would be no COVID-19 vaccine: animal testing is essential for medical research. A ban on testing – even a gradual phase-out – would be extremely damaging for research policy, writes Detlef Günther. Cancer: a new killer lymphocyte enters the ring Research EPFL A team from EPFL and the Swiss Cancer Center Léman has discovered that CD4 T lymphocytes, which usually play a supporting role in fighting cancer cells, also have the power to destroy them. Scientists model a peculiar type of breast cancer Research EPFL Scientists led by EPFL have developed a breakthrough in vivo model for invasive lobular carcinoma, a serious yet understudied type of breast cancer. The work will open up previously inaccessible study of the tumor’s biology and help discover new therapies. Previous 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Page 38 of 38