In the great outdoors Teaching ETH Zurich ETH students are mapping the groundwater in an area of forest near Bern. This fieldwork will give them the skills they need for a career in environmental engineering. Computation Model Paves the Way for More Efficient Energy Systems Research EPFL EPFL researchers make theoretical breakthrough in thermoelectric material to better harness waste heat for sustainable energy. Valuable raw materials from olive waste TechTransfer ETH Zurich ETH spin-off Gaia Tech transforms waste from olive oil production into high-quality antioxidants for use in cosmetics or food. This turns waste into valuable raw materials. Capturing carbon where it is produced Research EPFL EPFL engineers propose a system-wide integration solution for carbon capturing and mineralisation in the cement production, steel manufacturing, and waste incineration sectors. Exploring a new approach to treating collapsed airways in newborns Research EPFL In collaboration with CHUV, EPFL engineers propose wrapping an adhesive hydrogel patch around a collapsed trachea for treatment of Tracheomalacia. Robot team on lunar exploration tour Research ETH Zurich Swiss engineers are training legged robots for future lunar missions that will search for minerals and raw materials. To ensure that the robots can continue to work even if one of them malfunctions, the researchers are teaching them teamwork. Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15... Next Page 11 of 25