Secret of Stradivarius violins revealed Research PSI As an international team of researchers discovered, the old Italian masters Stradivari and Guarneri relied on unexpected chemical additives in making violins. Understanding the physics in new metals Research PSI Together with international colleagues, PSI researchers have now been able to make correlated metals more readily usable for applications in superconductivity, data processing, and quantum computers. Tracking down unreported Coronavirus cases Research PSI In the laboratories of PSI, researchers are producing proteins of the novel coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. The University Hospital of Zurich is using these in a long-term study to investigate how many people in Switzerland have actually been infected with the virus. New research division at PSI points to the future of data Research PSI EPFL The Paul Scherrer Institute, in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL, is establishing a new research division: Scientific Computing, Theory, and Data. PSI: advancing in the fight against Covid-19 Research PSI Crystal structure analysis, computer models, cell cultures – to pursue research on Sars-CoV-2, PSI is exploring many avenues. An overview. How immune cells are activated Research PSI A research consortium has deciphered the mechanism of CCR5 receptor activation, providing insights for the development of CCR5 drug antagonists for AIDS, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. Previous 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Next Page 20 of 24