Artificial intelligence finds ways to develop new drugs Research ETH Zurich A new AI model developed by chemists at ETH Zurich can not only predict where a pharmaceutically active molecule can be chemically modified, but also how best to do it. This makes it possible to identify new pharmaceutical ingredients more quickly and improve existing ones in a targeted manner. Autonomous excavator constructs a six-metre-high dry-stone wall TechTransfer ETH Zurich ETH Zurich researchers taught an autonomous excavator to construct dry stone walls itself using boulders weighing several tonnes and demolition debris. Halting a malformation of the heart Research ETH Zurich Researchers at ETH Zurich have now shown that a previously unknown protein plays a key role in a congenital malformation of the heart. Their findings point the way towards new treatment options. When growth becomes a weakness Research ETH Zurich ETH-Forschende klären auf, was geschehen kann, wenn Zellen ihre normale Grösse überschreiten und seneszent werden. Die neuen Erkenntnisse könnten helfen, Krebstherapien zu optimieren. Printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons Research ETH Zurich For the first time, researchers have succeeded in printing a robotic hand with bones, ligaments and tendons made of different polymers using a new laser scanning technique. Natural coasts protect against tropical cyclones Research ETH Zurich People living on the in low-lying coastal areas will be at even greater risk from cyclones in the future. Natural ecosystems offer protection, but this protection has decreased in recent years and is expected to continue to decline. This is a finding of a model study by an international team of researchers led by ETH Zurich. Previous 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38... Next Page 34 of 120